Monday, September 5, 2011

Slow Moves

Here's a little video of Caelum on the move. Note the brief distraction because Owen speaks.  He adores  his older brother.  Caelum has crawled properly a little bit, but only after I positioned him up on his knees.  


  1. What! Two posts within 24 hours - my heart rejoices! Hey....Caelum can really move - he's going to be a wrestler like Uncle Joel. Very cute...Thanks for sharing (I sound like I'm a shut-in and never get out...pathetically waiting on an update. It's really almost that desperate!)
    Finally getting rain - and it is my plants that are rejoicing!
    Love to all and love the new background...

  2. love him! once they start moving a little, then it doesnt take long for them to get the rest of it!
    I am like mom, I did a double take when I looked at my sidebar and saw you had posted again! :)
