Sunday, September 4, 2011

Forever and a Day

Sorry it's been so long, friends.  Where has August gone? Well, I'll tell you.  Between Clemson and the Outer Banks, plus dear friends visiting, the month flew by. Things aren't slowing down any time soon, but I'll try to be more consistent with posting...even if it's just a taste. The thought of summarizing the past month is overwhelming, so I'd refer you to Hannah's blog if you want pictures of the Ashton portion of our vacation.  Or, see my mom's facebook album for pictures of the beach house. I'm a slacker, I know, but for now, a quick update on the boys.
After slipping in a mud puddle at the park

A shopping cart!
Owen is our imaginative narrator.  He has a constant dialogue (or monologue, as the case may be) going on and if he's not talking, he's singing.  He's starting to ask, "Why?" a lot and he loves to tease.  Though he can identify probably half of the alphabet, he'll intentionally do it wrong after saying it correctly and then crack up.  How that bears on future homeschooling, I do not know.  Owen loves Bob the Builder and new books from the library.  He loves to play with blocks and hates to be dirty. 

Starting to pull up and cruise

Caelum is a smiley little man.  He can now army crawl from room to room, but he refuses to lift up that big bottom.  He'll be all over the place once he figures that out.  Caelum loves to eat and I recently spent a day making little cubes of baby food for him (squash, zucchini, green beans, peaches, etc), so I feel ready for the next few months before finger foods get going.  He also enjoys playing in sand and then the subsequent bath time.  Caelum can play peek-a-boo and wave, real spastic like. The boys are sharing a room and they sure do love getting up early. Zach and I have been enjoying our sweet little boys!
Playing together in their kitchen


1 comment:

  1. Whoo-hoo! An need to apologize...just love seeing the pictures of C & O. They are just too cute - and seem so happy. I'm so thankful you girls are home with your babies....
