Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Did I Make You Cry on Christmas? (Well You Deserved It!)

Zach and I always really, really look forward to listening to Christmas music each year. We make ourselves wait until the day after Thanksgiving and then we indulge almost non-stop until Christmas is over. Nevertheless, I always forget that there are a few songs that I loathe. I'd list the ones I love, but there are far too many. Let me just whine about these. And I'm not putting artists' names because any version is terrible.

Least Favorite Christmas Songs:
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
Feliz Navidad
Wonderful Christmas Time
Happy X-Mas (War is Over)
Christmas Shoes


Monday, December 6, 2010

Before You Were Born

I was waiting to post again until I had some definitive news on how the baby was doing. Let me give you the fun background drama first...

I dropped Owen off at the dear Lott's house and then headed for the ultrasound last Tuesday. After waiting for an hour, the ultrasound technician takes me in and starts taking measurements. But, I can't see the screen. I had told her we didn't want to know the sex, so I thought maybe that was making her hesitant regarding letting me see MY baby. So after about 45 minutes, I ask to see the baby and she shows me the screen for all of about 3 minutes. Very disappointing, but at least I got to see the baby for a bit. Then, at the end of the ultrasound, I say, "So is the baby measuring small?" She says, "We're not allowed to get involved. You'll have to speak to your medical provider." That's when my heart dropped and I thought, "Insufficient Placenta! Emergency C-Section! Ahhhhh!" and other rational pregnant lady thoughts. This technician and I had been chit-chatting the whole time, so I figured any decent person would be like, "We're not allowed to talk about it, but don't worry," and give a little wink or something.

Anyway, I'll fast forward through the crying in the car on the phone to Zach, crying in the Lott's house, and crying more at home and skip to the part when Zach discovers this is simply their stupid policy: don't tell anything. I called the midwife the next day and she said she didn't have the report yet, but they would have called her right away if something was wrong. She called me today with the report in hand and said the baby is measuring for January 11th and looks perfectly fine. She said, "You must just carry small and hide the baby," which of course I knew the whole time - I've done this pregnancy thing before - but you know, these people keep messing with my head!

That's the update on that. Let's not talk about it anymore. One more thing: Zach is amazing. When I got home that night and was so upset he said, "What do you need?" I, in my pathetic, self-pitying state, said I just wanted to cry but he fed and put Owen to bed while I took a bath, and then he ran out and got dinner. It was very restorative.
In other news, Thanksgiving was great! We had great food and fun at the Manning's house and then went hiking with them the next day. We attempted a few family shots for Christmas cards this year, so I won't post any potentials. That way you'll get the full effect when you open up that envelope. Here are the cousins:

There was a lovely waterfall.

And the best part was the snow!

One last thing, the slipcover is complete! It turned out much better than I thought. We're going to add some buttons to the top, but otherwise it's hemmed and all set. Not bad for our first attempt at a big sewing project, and most importantly, we can take it off and wash it!