Sunday, June 13, 2010

Friends They Are Jewels

Let the summer of visits begin! We are excited for all of our visitors, and have enjoyed those who have already been here. Here's a recap:

Our first little visitor was Arden, the 11-month old son of our friends from church. They went on an anniversary trip, so we got to have Arden for the weekend. We were delighted, particularly Owen. Turns out Owen is a huge cuddler. It is so cute seeing him hug Arden, who is very patient with him. Fortunately they're about the same size since Owen's such a peanut, so Arden can handle it. The boys thought it would be hilarious to alternate taking naps, so we had a pretty calm Saturday. Then we went to the park and Owen got to play in the water playground there. He loved it, which makes no sense since he hates having water on his head during bathtime.

Owen joined Arden in crawling all over the house, and they ended up in all sorts of places. We had a great weekend together, and Owen definitely loved having his buddy around.