Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome Back

I make no apologies for how long it has been. Do I regret not having a post dedicated to Owen's first birthday? Yes. Do I wish I had kept up with all the going-ons and shared them with you, dear reader? Of course. Do I have plenty of excuses? You tell me.
I started working again. Just 20-25 hours a week, but it turns out that's a lot when you have toddler in the house. A toddler who took two 30 minute naps per day. Fortunately, the coworker I was "subbing" for came back from maternity before my breaking point...or at least shortly after it. I think both Zach and Owen can attest that I was stressed, which was ridiculous considering Zach was encouraging me not to work as much (or even at all). I'm still picking up some days here and there, but nothing consistent.

Next up: Owen-face. The little dear went back to his favorite sleep-deprived state. He started waking in the night again, and only falling asleep in his swing. It all started with traveling for the holidays, then a well baby visit to the doctor's office which brought on a two-week long cold, then letting him sleep propped up in his swing "just for a little while..." You can imagine how this all worked out. When we finally tried to get him back on track (you know, falling asleep in his crib and sleeping through the night like a ONE YEAR OLD should be able to do), it was pretty horrific. I'm talking three hour crying spells. Oy. I don't like revisiting these memories. Moving on.And now for the final excuse. It's one you aren't expecting. We have a social life again! Yay! In general, Zach and I are homebodies. It's nice just to hang out at home as a family, and we're content playing a game (Scrabble Apple is my new favorite, by the way) or watching a movie while eating baked goods. It's a simple life and one we enjoy. Now that we have an amazing church - Valley Presbyterian - we have had lots a great opportunities to hang out with fun people. Plus, we're going to a "young marrieds" Biblestudy once a week, which inevitably leads to more plans made for later in the week. Throw in some park play dates and a few weekend trips and that's a busy schedule. I think Owen really enjoyed all of our adventures.

I will update more frequently because, guys, this kid is ridiculous.