In other news, Owen can walk. Surprise! A few days ago, I was going to post a video of him walking with his walker, but it seems a bit anti-climatic now that he can take steps without it. Well, shoot, I'll do it anyway. Consider this your appetizer:
Three days ago, Zach and I were unpacking some groceries while Owen cruised around his Jumperoo in the middle of the kitchen (he prefers to walk around the outside of it now, rather than be trapped in it). Next thing I know, he's holding onto a chair at the kitchen table, which is three feet away. "Did you move him there?" I asked Zach. He hadn't. "Can he walk?" I asked Zach. He didn't know. So we tried it.
Owen walked four steps to me. It's like he's known how to do it for a while and we just haven't give him the opportunity. I guess you start walking early when you refuse to crawl. So he's been taking four or five steps here or there ever since. Since I always catch him when he starts falling, now he often just dives headfirst towards me--while laughing hysterically--rather than trying to walk. Anyway, be prepared for another video shortly (once I take it).