Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pardon Me

This is the biggest, sloppiest post ever.  All I wanted to do was share some of my pictures from our trip with the rest of the family.  Then Blogger decided to explode in my face, leaving a mess of captions and random picture placement.  Awesome.  Hope you guys enjoy it.
On the FlyAway to LAX

So far, so good
Sweet boy on the plane

Other sweet boy on the plane
Having arrived in Charlotte, Caelum gets a nice ride with Grandma Dean
The tractor was a hit.

Group shot!
Uncle Nolan with his beautifully packaged graduation gift.     

Owen at Uncle Nolan's graduation.  You can tell by this stink face that he was going to break down 5 minutes later. 


Our room at the beach house
The siblings relaxing

The cousins at the South Carolina Aquarium.
Sweet boy having fun
Bald eagle nest
Digging in the sand
Caelum actually took a nap out on the beach.
I love all the movement in this picture.

Playing with chairs at Gramma and Grandpa's house.
Chilling with Grandpa by the fire pit.
This swing saw lots of use while we were there.
These two got along so well.
Theresa was "little mom" to Caelum.
Mom in her glory

Cousins together!
Making the stepping stones for Gramma's garden

Zach, so cool right now

Driving to Asheville...a little excited
The Chocolate Lounge and our liquid truffles. Amazing.

Caelum was a little intimidated by the carousel, at first.

Zach and I went to Guglhopf to discuss our future.

Looking at his bug on the way to the science museum

We spent a night reading at my parents' house.

Driving back to Charlotte

Grandpa Gordon, getting ready to cruise with the tractor

Owen anxiously waiting while Grandma Dean repairs Lion's torn arm.
Back on the plane!

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