Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's Summertime

The vacation video is now truly available!  After many failed attempts to post the video on my blog, I've finally got it up on youtube.  Don't worry, it's unlisted, so only you devoted blog readers will be able to view it.  Turn the volume up for the graduation clip; the commentary is hilarious. 

Hope you enjoy it!


  1. :) the one of GrandpaGordie riding beside the tractor... oh, tear jerker.
    Thanks for recording some of the memories! Had a blast!

  2. I love that family picture of you guys! And there is something else that I'm loving, too! Oh me.....just so excited!
    the S.C. song is quite a nice touch to the video....Grandma Dean enjoyed the video as well!
    I've been wanting to visit Biltmore House this summer....sounds like a wonderful road trip....
