Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Need more birthday coverage?  You got it!

Here's a little video of Caelum's cake time yesterday.  I think it'll make you feel like you were there.  Which is good,  since at one point Owen asked, "Where are all of Caelum's friends?"  Typical big brother comment.  I love how Owen's repeated attempts to blow out the candle provide ample time for Caelum to swipe some frosting.  It's almost like they planned that...

We met Daddy at Chick Fil A for lunch.
Eying his loot
Daddy demonstrates the shape sorter we got him.

Thanks for the cozy pajamas, Gramma!
He ate all the frosting first.
We demolished the cake.  But then again, it was our dinner too.

Really cram it in there
And one final video of Caelum opening his gift from the Smith Family.  He's getting good at it!


  1. oh my goodness! love the fingers in the icing... got a bit of a sweet tooth. He and Shep would not be good around each other, Shep loves his sweets or anything for that matter. A couple days ago he tried to eat the berries from the monkey grass and then tried to take a bite out of Molly's milkbone. I would think at 2, he would be over sticking random things in your mouth.

    Anyway, so glad Caelum had a great bday and hope he enjoys his little puzzle. Even if you lose a piece of two, you could always trace with the remaining pieces and then let O color or something.

    Wow, another super duper long Aunt Hannah comment.
    Love you guys!

  2. oh and that is quite impressive the damage ya'll did on the cake... seriously... impressive!

  3. Thanks for letting me see the party!
