Monday, January 9, 2012

Birthday Boy

 Remember this little guy?  What a cutie, huh?  Well now he's one.  Happy birthday, Caelum!

He is getting to be quite the well-rounded little guy, and not just his shape either.  Here's a quick, list-form version of my sweet boy.

  • Brother
  • Daddy
  • Pushing chairs in the kitchen
  • Being outside; on concrete over grass, preferably
  • Bathtime
  • A certain spatula
  • Going up the stairs; going back down
  • Jumping on Owen's bed
  • Getting into the fridge/trash/toilet
  • Climbing onto or into things

  • Sitting in a shopping cart
  • Being told "all done" with regards to food
  • Sleeping in
  • Owen having a toy, any toy
  • Things being too organized
  • Diaper changes

Caelum is such a joyful little guy, plus he's tough.  He can say mama, dada, duck and baa.  He's been taking a few steps on his own and any day now it'll click and he'll be walking everywhere!  Caelum is a busy little one year old. This past year has been great and we look forward to seeing him grow and change in all of the years to come!

Stay tuned for pictures from the birthday festivities.


  1. ah, he even looks older! He is such a cutie! Didn't realize that mom had already sent the birthday presents, so just ignore that part on our Happy Birthday song on my blog!

  2. Zach can certainly deny that child! He is a Manning/Spencer....not an Ashton...kind of refreshing since I raised 3 Ashton kids! Mantis is still holding out for a dark haired, dark eyed grandchild....think he'll have to wait on Nolie (and that may just be awhile!).
    Caelum is just too cute - and it seems like he's been around a long time....Happy Birthday!
