Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hello friends and family!  Quick, time to get one more November post in there.  That will make it a staggering two posts!  I'm great at this blogging thing.  We've had a fun and busy November.  My parents came out for a visit and we went down to Phoenix for my cousin's wedding. I was so glad that Mom and Dad were willing to fly out to LA, rent a van, and make the 8-hour drive with two little boys in tow.  They were a huge help.  Thank you!  The drive went surprisingly well and the whole weekend was a blast.

Messing around in the hotel
Unfortunately, I was very slack about taking pictures at the wedding.  My camera battery died, but really, even up until that point I wasn't taking many pictures.  My mom, however, was more responsible, so most of the following pictures are hers.

Great Gramma and the boys

Early morning made better with Mom

Little stink was up at 5

Uncle Jason is congratulated on making partner

Our little family

The boys were such champions.  There were very few children at all the festivities, which is always a little nerve-wracking since your kids will stand out all the more if they're acting up.  Both Owen and Caelum were very well-behaved.  Caelum slept during a good portion of the rehearsal dinner and the ceremony, and Owen was well entertained by everything going on and the multitude of relatives.

Waiting in the lobby before the wedding
At the actual ceremony, Zach rocked Caelum to sleep as it was beginning, and he (Caelum) slept through a good portion of the reception.  Uncle Mike and other family members passed him around for most of the reception.  Owen loooooooved the quartet and watched them play for the entirety of the cocktail hour.  That kid has some musical genes in him for sure (Thanks Queenie!).   During the reception, Owen had lots of yummy food, a special toy bag from my cousin, dancing, music, and the promise of cake to encourage him to behave.  The boys did so well that we were able to stay much longer than anticipated...10!  I even got a couple dances in with Zach, who was looking fly in his new suit. 

Perfect timing

Kristin, looking beautiful

My cousin Katie and I

Aunt Sandy, Uncle Ted, Gramma, Aunt Char, and my mom (only one of my mom's siblings was missing)

Jason and I, so awkward

Caelum being punished

Owen = enthralled

"Owen, move sweetie."

Jason entertaining Owen

Aunt Sandy finally gets Caelum from Uncle Mike, who held him most of the time
My mom's cousin

So sweet

I love Caelum's little face in this picture

Aren't I such a Mom?  My entire recap of the wedding revolves around how my kids behaved! Other than that, I will say it was such fun to see so much of my family, especially Gramma Zembruski. It's crazy, but Zach hadn't seen most of those people since Joel's wedding when we had only been dating a few months.  And there was one family Zach had never met, so this was such a great opportunity for him to get better acquainted with my relatives and for me to show off my kids and husband.  Always a delight to get to see Jason and Katrina too.  Kristin, the bride, looked lovely and was glad that we made the trek down.  Owen has been asking to go back to the hotel, so I think he enjoyed the adventure as well.
Getting ready to leave the hotel.
Thanksgiving was also a delight.  I don't have any pictures to prove this.  A family at church offered to host two other families and us.  In the morning, Zach and Owen went on a long hike with the men from the families and Caelum and I had a quiet morning, just the two of us.  Dinner was great, and Caelum went to sleep in the pack and play at around 6:15.  Two of the girls there played with Owen the whole time, so that left Zach and I free to drink punch and play games.  It's hard to be far from family during the holidays, but we definitely had a great time despite this.

See you in December! Blogaphorically speaking.


  1. what great pictures. Looks like a great time.
    I laughed out loud on the "Cealum in time out" picture. You and Zach have such similar humor.
    Got "Owen's" sweet thank you yesterday. so sweet!

  2. Yes! Love it when you post on the other side of the world! Those boys are just too cute and Hannah is right - you and Zach have similar humor. Do you guys crack each other up?!? Going Christmas shopping for some special little Ashton boys tomorrow. Queenie is on the loose~

  3. Yep, we definitely keep each other entertained!
