Sunday, November 6, 2011


Before it's been way too long and this post becomes irrelevant, I wanted to put up some Halloween pictures.  This is the first year we "did" Halloween with Owen, and he really enjoyed it.  We carved pumpkins, had dinner with our neighbors and then went trick or treating near the closest elementary school. All in all, it was a great Halloween.

Owen helped me draw the face on his pumpkin, then Zach cleaned and carved it.
He was pleased with the outcome.
Caelum's cute little pumpkin was baked, pureed, and fed to him.

Anna, Owen, and Zach pumpkins
Pumpkins on the stoop

At the last minute, I decided to dress Caelum up too.  Found a little black turtleneck in his drawer, and decided he'd be a little beatnik poet.  I then made him a quasi-beret and he quickly grew facial hair.
Caelum playing the little drum Zach made for him.
Owen was reluctant to don his costume, even though he was excited at the prospect of being Bob the Builder.  Zach finally cajoled him into it by playing some Bob the Builder while he dressed him. We picked up the shirt for $3 at Kohl's, he had the overalls, and Zach cut an old belt for the toolbelt. Cost effective.

Ready to start trick or treating

Once he understood how easy it was to get handfuls of candy, Owen was running from house to house. The combination of a small bucket and generous people resulted in what seemed to be lots of candy after only a few houses.  It was a perfect first outing for Owen.
The rest of us had fun too.

Attempted family picture.  Zach is snapping to try to get Caelum's attention. Also, the next night I saw a huge rat crawling out of my pumpkin, and Zach had heard it rustling in the bush as this picture was taken. Needless to say, our pumpkins were quickly tossed.  The rat went over to our neighbors' pumpkin the next night.

1 comment:

  1. Owen, I loved your Bob the Builder costume! And Caelum as a poet and Dad as a chipmunk were all too clever....Hahahaha! Hope you got some wonderful candy and make sure and share with mommy, daddy and Caelum!
    My favorite picture is Owen running down the sidewalk with Dad and C-man in hot pursuit...
    Thanks for the post.
