Saturday, July 9, 2011

Suddenly Is Sooner Than You Think

Caelum is six months old. Did that just blow your mind? It should. Two years ago, we were embarking on a two month long road trip across the country with a six month old. Now we live in California with not one, but two little boys, the littlest one being six months. I can't reiterate this enough; Caelum is six months. Where does the time go? Who is this big chunk who smacks his lips and gets crazy excited when he sees me take out the box of baby cereal? This kid jumping in the exersaucer is surely not mine, right? I don't know who snatched my pregnant belly and placed a rolling, laughing, growling, jabbering baby in my arms, but whoever did it was really sneaky.

Caelum, you love every second with your brother. Seriously, no personal space necessary when it comes to the two of you.
Your interests include napping on the beach, blowing bubbles, bouncing , and doing whatever your brother is doing.And I can not overstate how chubby you are. You weigh about 20 pounds and are already on the biggest size of the cloth diapers. You are all thighs and rolls and delicious baby fat. This probably helps explain why you are such a good sleeper. Thank you, my child, thank you.
Random people stop me to say you should be a Gerber baby. I know that, those fools. Just look at you! You have a wonderful, jolly temperament and are quick to smile at everyone. You only freak out when I'm trying to change your diaper and won't let you immediately roll onto your belly.
And you love being on your belly. You can pull your butt up into the air and be on all fours, or you can turn 360 degrees after I put you on the floor, but no crawling yet. I don't think it's far off. It's strange for me to have a baby that rolls so much as Owen was a bit, um, lazy. In all fairness, he was in a carseat for most of the time when he was your age. But still, you make me very nervous with how much you can move. What's it like to have a baby who crawls rather than skipping straight to walking? We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I just can't wait to get my grubby hands on those kids....Caelum has changed since we've been there. That's amazing! I know that everyone always thinks the "grands" look like their side of the family, but that Owen has the Mantis/Zach squint eye when he's not thrilled! The pictures and "conversation" are wonderful....thanks for making my morning.
    The house and yard are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Ashtons and the chaos of 5 little boys!
