Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Get Better

This post is dedicated to Mantis, as he heals from a brutal yellow jacket attack. We hope you're doing better!
A few more pictures from the Ashton visit. We had a cold day at the beach, but still fun. We stopped for some delicious fish tacos and coffee after our short, chilly beach time, and then took a very winding road home. Everyone was carsick.

This is a hilarious sequence of pictures from one of our hikes around the ranch: Zach trying to get Owen in the backpack carrier while it is on Mantis' back.
Owen can't believe that Daddy and Grandpa Mantis would do that to him.

Caelum also enjoyed being toted around by Mantis while they wore matching Tillys. Very relaxing.
And Queenie, I'm sorry that I didn't get more pictures with you and the kids, especially considering how many hours you devoted to playing with them. However, I love this picture because it shows what a great Queenie you are...playing diggers until the point of utter exhaustion. Note the small digger in the crook of the neck.


  1. Anna....just so you know - Hannah's computer is dead. Otherwise, the ole girl would have already left a comment! Next time she's over, I'm sure she'll be leaving her thoughts.
    (And the comment about Owen's eyes were meant for this post!)

  2. you can know breathe a sigh of relief... I am here. I am commenting though computer is still under the weather.
    Love the pictures especially the picture of Owen once finally in the backpack and the one of mom sleeping with the digger. Funny stuff!
    Looking forward to seeing your clan very soon! :)
