Sunday, May 22, 2011

Splitting Hairs

A mixture of thriftiness and laziness makes me very lax when it comes to haircuts. This reached a peak in college, and there are a few pictures from that time upon which I can look, grimace, and ask why no one told me to cut my freaky long hippie hair. My hair wasn't that bad this time around, but it was still time for cut.
A good 12 inches later, and I got my mom-do. Apparently, my hair is so thick, I had enough for two wigs for Locks for Love.

More importantly, and certainly more adorably, Owen got a haircut as well.

He did very well and sat still the whole time.

He may look like a rebel, but he's still the sweetest big brother on the block.

And, just so you know, the mohawk only lasted a few weeks. It has since been shaved off, so Owen is now rocking a summer buzzcut.


  1. Anna,
    Love the hair and it looks wonderful on you. I certainly think you could be compared to Nolan's
    "sorastitute" girls! can't put your hair back now! No, I totally approve and you look so fit and youthful.
    Caelum and Owen are precious together. Wouldn't it be sad to be an only child???
    Can't wait to get my grubby hands on them in two weeks!

  2. wow! It is a rare day when mom reads a post before I do and I dont have to tell her to "go check Anna's blog."
    Anna, the hair is amazing! Seriously love it. And those boys are so so so cute!

  3. Hannah and Anna,
    I just want you both to know that I LOVE your posts. I have a little ritual every night where I sit down and check my favorite "hits." Yours vie for the favorite spot each heart leaps when both posts are new for the day. That merely means I don't have a life (or I love reading about those grandsons!)
