Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Awake on a Train

Queenie and Mantis came for a delightful visit. Aside from Owen's feverish delirium and first-ever ear infection that encompassed a few days, we had a great time.

One of the highlights was our train ride up to Santa Barbara. Owen, who has recently become enamored with Thomas the Train, was delighted with the whole experience of the train, then promptly fell asleep for most of our wanderings around Santa Barbara.
Eagerly awaiting the train. It stops in Simi Valley at a station about 5 minutes from our house.

Owen and Mantis scope things out right before the train approaches.
Owen enjoying the view from the train.
Family picture on the train.
Queenie, Mantis, and Caelum enjoying the ride.
We putzed around throughout Santa Barbara, did some shopping, and got lunch.
Then we took a nice long break. Note Owen passed out in the stroller.

A historical site in Santa Barbara. Zach could tell you the name.

We checked out the beach as well.
On the pier
View from the train as we headed back to Simi. The tracks are right on the coast, clearly.
Everyone was very relaxed on the way home. Except the people whose seats Queenie stole.
One last family picture with the train.

It was a perfect daytrip and now Owen is "on a choo choo train to Santa Barbara" when he drives the steering wheel on the playground at the park. Thanks again Queenie and Mantis! More posts to come regarding your visit...


  1. We had such a fun time and enjoyed the time with you kids! Still amazed at how good Caelum and Owen were for such a long day - they are troopers! See y'all in about 4 weeks - whoo-hoo!!!!

  2. Love these! My boys would kill to get to ride on a train. How cool!
    cant wait to see you guys!
