Friday, April 15, 2011

Let's Spend the Day in Bed

As 3 out of 4 Ashtons are sick (hold strong, Zach, hold strong!), this seems like a good time to post. Caelum had an 101 fever last night and this morning, so Zach ran him to the pediatrician who had him give a urine sample and get blood work done. Are you aware of how baby urine samples are taken? They tape a little plastic baggy around the kid's junk and wait for him to pee. Crazy.

The results came back fine. The doctor was just being cautious since Caelum is so young - 3 months - and we all agree that the baby just picked up the same cold that Owen and I have had for over a week. I'd like to thank all of the possible germ carriers who made this event possible: kid at storytime, guy hacking at church, and the germ-coated, 75 cent ride-on green digger at the mall. You guys are the best.This picture gives a pretty good idea of how we're feeling around here.

Anyway, Owen's finally getting over it and I'm hoping if I can get some sleep tonight (please sleep more than an hour at a time sweet Caelum!) I'll be much better tomorrow...just in time to nurse Zach back to health when he inevitably catches this nastiness. He took today off so that he could care of our sniveling, pathetic selves and I am so grateful! I was not making it. And no, I'm not putting up my picture right now.

1 comment:

  1. my oh my, poor Owen looks horrible. Dont you wish you could just protect them from all the germies out there. Did Owen have a fever in the picture?
    Praying you guys are truly on the upswing and Zach can somehow manage to escape it.
