Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm Still Remembering

Does this new page style make you feel like you're losing your eyesight? Yeah, me too.

As you may recall, I tried to capture some of the fun summer memories made as lots of family came out to visit. My sister Rachel and her family were living on the ranch for a whole month, which was amazing! We didn't know if it would work out, and it seemed like a crazy dream that we had concocted, but then it really happened. It was such a special time to get to spend time with Rachel on a daily basis for an extended amount of time, rather than trying to cram a bunch of things into a short weekend visit.

One of the highlights of the visit was our trip to the Cicada Club, a vintage-style restaurant/dance club in downtown LA. We got dressed up in our best 1940s duds and had a great time eating and dancing.

The artist of the evening was Louis Prima, Jr. Perhaps you have heard of his father?
Adam and Rachel, looking adorable
Owen did quite well with baby Cole.

Rachel and Adam discovered a local farm where you can pick your own fruits and vegetables, and there are tons of animals and attractions for kids. Owen and I have been back multiple times. Thanks Rach!

Boys playing on the train

Brauns racing up the haystacks
Ethan and Owen getting a ride

The night before the Brauns' month-long stay came to an end, we had everyone over for one last dinner.
It was great to see the cousins together one more time.

Of course, there are lots more pictures and fun times, including bonfires, hiking, lots of beach trips and so forth. But there's a little taste for you!

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