Thursday, October 28, 2010

End of October

Hi friends!

We're back from our big trip to the Carolinas and had a great time. It was so fun to see our family and get to walk around our old haunts at Clemson. Owen did great on the plane ride(s). He took a nap on each one, which is such a help when you're flying across the country.

We stayed with my parents first and got to hang out with Jason and family for a couple of days. We saw the neighbors' horses and goats and went to the playground and Duke Gardens.

Owen loving on his Gramma.

At the Duke Gardens
Mocking the picture taken of the Manning kids running down the hill. It would have been funnier if it didn't turn out so dang cute.

On the way down further South, we stayed with Gordean and had a lovely visit with them.Owen loved riding on the John Deere with his Daddy.

Then it was on to South Carolina. We got to be there for Hunter's field trip to a pumpkin patch and Ashton's Veggie Tale Birthday Extravaganza.
It was so fun to see the boys together.
Queenie took on the four grandsons, by herself, so we could go to the Clemson game. We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. ah, the pictures are great! We loved seeing you guys! Owen just fit right into the mix.
    And Anna, I need more of an Owen fix... in other words, more than 2 posts a month would be nice! ;) No excuses even if you are almost 9 months pregnant with a toddler! haha
    Love you guys,
