Sunday, March 20, 2011

None But Shining Hours

Hello everyone! I don't know if I am thinking in lists because of Hannah's Eucharisteo, but this popped in my head as I laid down for a nap on this rainy day (huzzah!). I think this will give a pretty good picture of my days...

Most Memorable Moments on Any Given Day
6. Owen setting up all his favorite toys for a "birthday party."
5. After getting both kids down for a nap, pausing, taking a deep breath and thinking, "I can go pee now."
4. Owen getting up from his nap and delivering a monologue, "Owl's in my crib. I hear dat. And the coyotes sleeping. Horsies wake up and eat oatmeal. Baby Caelum's awake too! Mommy hold Caelum."
3. Ichatting with my mom with two kids being very rowdy in the background; Gramma = totally unphased2. Owen singing Rock-A-Bye Baby to Caelum and Caelum beaming back at him
1. Zach getting home.

1 comment:

  1. It is funny that I can relate to everything on that list in some form or fashion.
    And, Anna, you MUST read the book, One Thousand Gifts, it is amazing... it will have you doing your own Eucharisteo list. It has totally changed my perspective on so many things! Read it!!!!
