Monday, November 29, 2010

Size Too Small

Hello everyone!

I know I've been slack on the pregnancy updates, but I will say that I feel great and we're already preparing everything for the next little tike to come along. We are craigslist pros and have picked up a dresser for the baby. Presently, we're making a slipcover because Zach and I are both proficient at sewing. No, that wasn't it. We're making it because we need it. Someone who is apparently covered in peanut butter at all times has been getting his grubby hands all over everything.
We had a midwife appointment today, since we're at the every two week point (!!!). While I feel like I'm HUGE and have gained a lot of weight, I'm apparently measuring small for my due date. Tomorrow we'll have an ultrasound to "make sure the baby's still growing." This is not surprising to me, as the exact same thing happened with Owen. Remember, he was a little peanut at 5 pounds 13 ounces. Nevertheless, I hate hearing that everything's not absolutely perfect regarding the health of the baby, so even though I'm hopeful that things are fine, I'm a little saddened at the news. With Owen, my amniotic fluid level was low at about this stage in the game, so I was put on "moderated bed rest" in which I was told to rest and drink water all day. This worked well enough. I'm curious if it's a matter of fluid levels again, or if the baby was just in a weird position when she was measuring me. I guess we'll find out more tomorrow.

In any case, I'm glad to be done working! Last week was quite literally my last week, and now I get to use Owen's naps for napping or updating the old blogsky, rather than working. Plus this allows my nesting to continue to take the strange shape it has appeared in (again, the slipcover?). Here's a belly picture for you.
Really guys, small? Also, note the half-covered chair behind me. We're getting close!


  1. well, I would have requested more frequent updating a lot sooner had I known you would have responded so quickly! :)
    Where is your butt in that picture? That has got to be the smallest preggo butt I have ever seen... I am jealous!
    Owen is just adorable and as for the new babe - as you said, it is always hard to hear that everything is not perfect but since you have been down this road before it has to make it easier... And I didnt know you were on moderate bed rest with O.
    We will be praying for a good check up tomorrow.
    Love you guys

  2. Not working is the best! At least regarding my blogging frequency. Also, I'll have you know Zach was taking a picture of me putting the angel on the tree and made some comment about my junk in the trunk taking up the whole picture. So, yeah, I got that.
